Welcome to Everyday Spirituality Online! Before you delve into the enlightening content we provide, we want to ensure clarity about the nature and purpose of the information on our website. This disclaimer is designed to outline the terms of use, limitations, and the responsibilities that come with accessing and using the materials provided on our website.


At Everyday Spirituality Online, we strive to offer content that is informative and uplifting, contributing to your spiritual journey. However, it’s crucial to understand that the information provided on this website is intended for general informational purposes only. This disclaimer establishes the guidelines and boundaries for your interaction with the content herein.

We want you to enjoy and benefit from the materials on our site, but we also want to emphasize the importance of using your discretion and seeking professional advice when necessary. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following sections, as they provide key insights into our content, its limitations, and your responsibilities as a user.

Accuracy and Completeness

While we strive to maintain the accuracy and completeness of the information presented on Everyday Spirituality Online, we cannot guarantee that all content is free from errors or omissions. The spiritual landscape is vast and diverse, and interpretations may vary. Therefore, we advise that the information on this website should not be considered as professional, spiritual, or medical advice.

It is essential to recognize that spiritual practices are deeply personal, and what resonates with one individual may not necessarily apply universally. We encourage you to approach the content with an open mind and to cross-reference information when needed. Should you have specific conerns or seek personalized advice, we recommend consulting with qualified professionals who can address your unique circumstances. Your spiritual journey is a personal exploration, and our content is here to complement, not substitute, your individual experiences and perspectives.

Use of Information

Your engagement with the information provided on Everyday Spirituality Online is entirely at your own risk. We acknowledge the uniqueness of each individual’s spiritual journey, and while our content is crafted to inspire and inform, it should not be considered a substitute for personalized advice. 

We strongly advise users to exercise their own judgment and discernment when applying any insights gained from this website to their personal lives. The content here is not intended to replace professional, spiritual, or medical guidance. If you choose to act on the information presented, it is crucial to do so responsibly and to seek guidance from relevant experts when necessary.

Everyday Spirituality Online and its contributors cannot be held responsible for any outcomes, losses, or damages resulting from the use of the information on this website. By accessing and using our content, you agree to take full responsibility for your actions and decisions, understanding that the application of spiritual concepts is subjective and may vary from person to person.

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Everyday Spirituality Online may contain links to external websites that are provided for your convenience or as references. Please be aware that we have no control over the nature, content, and availability of these external sites. Inclusion of these links does not necessarily imply endorsement or affiliation with the linked entities.

We strive to ensure that external links lead to reputable sources, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy, relevance, or completeness of the content on these third-party websites. Visiting external links from our website is done at your own discretion and risk.

Everyday Spirituality Online disclaims any responsibility for the content, practices, or policies of these external sites. We encourage you to review the terms of use and privacy policies of any linked websites before engaging with them. Any interactions with external sites are subject to the terms and conditions of those sites, and we shall not be held liable for any damages or consequences arising from such interactions.

Personal Responsibility

At Everyday Spirituality Online, we believe in the power of personal responsibility on your spiritual journey. While we provide valuable insights and information, it’s essential to understand that spiritual practices are subjective and may have different effects on individuals.

Users are encouraged to exercise their own judgment and discretion when applying spiritual concepts, practices, or advice found on this website to their lives. We are not responsible for the interpretation or application of the content, and any decisions made based on the information presented here are the sole responsibility of the user.

Individual experiences with spirituality can vary widely, and what resonates with one person may not resonate with another. We emphasize the importance of self-awareness and personal discernment as you navigate and incorporate the content into your own spiritual practices. Everyday Spirituality Online is a platform for exploration, but the journey is uniquely yours, and we encourage you to embrace it with mindfulness and authenticity.

Limitation of Liability

By accessing Everyday Spirituality Online, you agree that we, including our contributors, shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from your use of, or inability to use, the content provided on this website.

We make every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented, but we cannot guarantee the completeness or timeliness of the content. Therefore, we disclaim any liability for errors or omissions in the information provided. Whether you use the information for spiritual practices, decision-making, or any other purposes, you do so at your own risk.

Everyday Spirituality Online shall not be held responsible for any disruptions or technical issues that may occur while using our website. We do not guarantee uninterrupted access to the site or its features and cannot be held liable for any temporary unavailability.

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Your use of this website constitutes your acknowledgment of and agreement to this limitation of liability. If you do not agree to these terms, please refrain from using Everyday Spirituality Online.

Updates and Revisions

Everyday Spirituality Online reserves the right to update, revise, or modify the content of this disclaimer as needed. Changes may occur due to legal, regulatory, or operational requirements, or to enhance user clarity and understanding. We encourage users to regularly review this disclaimer to stay informed about how the website’s terms of use may evolve over time.

By continuing to use Everyday Spirituality Online after any modifications to this disclaimer, you agree to be bound by the updated terms. We will make reasonable efforts to notify users of significant changes, but it is ultimately your responsibility to stay informed about and comply with the most current version of this disclaimer.

If you have any questions or concerns about the content of this disclaimer or any changes made to it, please reach out to us via the contact information provided on the website. We value transparency and aim to ensure that you have a clear understanding of our terms and conditions.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or inquiries regarding the disclaimer or any aspect of Everyday Spirituality Online, please feel free to contact us. We welcome your feedback and are committed to addressing any issues promptly.

E-Mail Address: varmashubhanjay@gmail.com

We value open communication and are here to provide assistance or clarification on any matters related to the content, policies, or user experience on our website. Your engagement with us is important, and we strive to make your visit to Everyday Spirituality Online a positive and enriching experience.