
150+ Root Chakra Affirmations For Surprising Benefits

The root chakra is the first chakra from the bottom of the human body. It is red in color, and is associated with grounding, and the fundamental instincts for survival within a human being. A balanced root chakra results in the person exuding calmness even in the most physically straining situations. Working on your root …

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150+ Sacral Chakra Affirmations For Surprising Benefits

The Sacral Chakra is the 2nd chakra from the bottom of the spine. It is orange in color, and is associated with the sexual aspects of an individual. As sexual energy involves creation of an entirely new human being, a balanced sacral chakra also results in increased creative abilities within an individual. In this article, …

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50+ Birthday Wishes For A Spiritual Father

Unlike choosing captions, finding out the perfect birthday wish for your family members can be quite a tough challenge! Even though we have known most of our relatives for decades, and possibly for countless generations (if you believe in the theory of reincarnation), each year marks a different milestone in your collective journeys, and you …

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Spiritual Meaning Of A Centipede In A Dream: 30+ Surprising Explanations

Have you ever wondered about the strange creatures that visit your dreams, like the mysterious centipede? The spiritual meaning of a centipede in a dream is quite unique, as a centipede represents peculiar characteristics different from those of dogs or cats. Our dreams are a gateway to the higher vibrational planes, and more often than …

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7 Surprising Benefits Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra Daily

Are you a spiritual practitioner wanting to increase your knowledge? Do you want to know the benefits of chanting Gayatri Mantra daily? You have come to the right place! The Gayatri Mantra is an ancient mantra, which was first realized by sage Vishwamitra and can often be heard around thousands of temples across the globe …

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Spiritual Meaning Of Giving Birth To Twins In A Dream : 10 Surprising Explanations

The spiritual meaning of giving birth to twins in a dream can range from prophesizing achieving harmony in the future, to the signs of an upcoming catalyst for your personal growth. In this article, we are going to delve into the spiritual significance of dreams in general, and also talk about the spiritual explanations regarding …

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Spiritual Meaning of Finding a Lost Dog : 20+ Possible Reasons

Finding a lost dog is a significant event, and whatever action you take afterwards has a lot of consequences attached to it. How you deal with the lost dog can impact your karma. If properly dealt with, this experience can prove to be highly beneficial for you on the path of spiritual progress. In this …

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5 Surprising and 5 Shocking Traits of a Krishna Paksha Born Girl

A Krishna Paksha born girl will do really well in intellectual jobs, rather than jobs with artistic or emotional requirements. This is not just true for a girl, but for any child born in the Krishna Paksha according to common consensus in Vedic astrology. Any girl who is born in the waning phase of the …

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10 Wonderful Benefits Of Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga is an ancient system of yoga, developed by sage Patanjali and articulated in his Yoga Sutras. Apart from physical fitness, there are many other aspects to the benefits of ashtanga yoga. The name “Ashtanga” is derived from the Sanskrit words “ashta,” meaning eight, and “anga,” meaning limbs. In the West, it is more …

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