
7 Surprising Facts About Spiritual Warfare Dreams

Spiritual warfare dreams are dreams that often involve two entities, a negative force, and a positive force. Such dreams can have various different meanings, and analyzing these dreams can help in an individual’s life. In this article, we are going to talk about a few facts related to spiritual warfare dreams, and are also going …

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150+ Crown Chakra Affirmations For Surprising Benefits

The crown chakra is the topmost chakra in a human body. It is the only chakra which is located outside the physical body, at the top of the head. Aligning your energies towards this chakra is considered an extremely rare feat, and results in complete spiritual enlightenment. You can work on your crown chakra using …

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150+ Third Eye Chakra Affirmations For Surprising Benefits

The third eye chakra is the second chakra from the top of the human body. It is indigo in color, and is associated with the highest level of human consciousness (not to be confused with pure consciousness). A balanced third eye chakra results in attainment of permanent peace, and the burning of all questions within …

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150+ Throat Chakra Affirmations For Surprising Benefits

The throat chakra is the third chakra from the top of the body. It is blue in color, and is associated with communication skills. An active throat chakra is also associated with immense occult abilities. An unbalanced throat chakra can result in loss of communication skills, and a fear of speaking out. Physical illnesses such …

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150+ Heart Chakra Affirmations For Surprising Benefits

The heart chakra is the fourth chakra from the bottom, and the middle-most chakra in the body. It is green in color, and is associated with love and compassion. Unlike the first three chakras from the bottom, if one’s energy’s are centered around this chakra, one is said to finally start evolving away from his …

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150+ Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations For Surprising Benefits

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the third Chakra from the bottom of the human body. It is yellow in color, and is associated with enormous action. People with an active solar plexus chakra are doers in the world, like the successful businessmen, or highly active soldiers. They have an innate desire to bring about change …

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150+ Root Chakra Affirmations For Surprising Benefits

The root chakra is the first chakra from the bottom of the human body. It is red in color, and is associated with grounding, and the fundamental instincts for survival within a human being. A balanced root chakra results in the person exuding calmness even in the most physically straining situations. Working on your root …

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150+ Sacral Chakra Affirmations For Surprising Benefits

The Sacral Chakra is the 2nd chakra from the bottom of the spine. It is orange in color, and is associated with the sexual aspects of an individual. As sexual energy involves creation of an entirely new human being, a balanced sacral chakra also results in increased creative abilities within an individual. In this article, …

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