8 Surprising Benefits of Chanting Hanuman Chalisa 11 Times

benefits of chanting hanuman chalisa 11 times

The Hanuman Chalisa is a Hindu devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman, a revered deity known for his devotion to Lord Rama. Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa is believed to have several spiritual and psychological benefits in Hindu tradition. This age-old practice of chanting the Hanuman Chalisa has woven itself into the cultural and spiritual fabric of millions. In this article, we’ll delve into the benefits of chanting Hanuman Chalisa 11 times, focusing particularly on the mystical effects of chanting it 11 times.


The Hanuman Chalisa finds its roots in the 16th century, composed by Tulsidas as a part of his epic work, the Ramcharitmanas. Tulsidas, inspired by the divine qualities of Hanuman, crafted this hymn to encapsulate the virtues, exploits, and devotion of the mighty monkey god. The Chalisa unfolds with a rhythmic cadence, with each verse carrying profound meanings and spiritual insights. The verses narrate the heroic deeds of Hanuman, his unwavering dedication to Lord Rama, and the transformative impact of his divine presence.

It consists of 40 chaupais, which are four-line verses (quatrains), and each line has 8 syllables. Each chaupai is dedicated to the praise and worship of Lord Hanuman, emphasizing his virtues, bravery, and devotion to Lord Rama. Devotees often recite the Hanuman Chalisa for spiritual strength, protection, and seeking Hanuman’s blessings. Devotees believe that there are many benefits of chanting the Hanuman Chalisa, especially when done at once for 100 times consecutively.

Significance of Chanting The Hanuman Chalisa

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The Hanuman Chalisa is inarguably the most popular hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman. Chanting the Chalisa daily is said to be of immense spiritual value. The main purpose of chanting the Hanuman Chalisa, speaking from a purely spiritual perspective, should be pleasing the deity, in this case, Lord Hanuman. It can be compared to a sabar mantra which has been made available to the masses.

A person is said to have attained “Devata Siddhi”, or, the energy of Lord Hanuman is said to connect deeply with the devotee if he chants this hym as an act of expressing his gratitude and love for Lord Hanuman. There are many benefits of chanting the Hanuman Chalisa, and millions across the globe chant it for various reasons, such as protection, strength, courage, and spiritual progress. Below are some of the benefits of chanting Hanuman Chalisa 11 times, or even daily. The special significance of 11 times is discussed further.

  1. Devotional Connection: Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa is considered a way to express devotion and surrender to Lord Hanuman. It is believed to strengthen the spiritual connection with the deity.
  2. Protection and Blessings: Devotees believe that regular recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa can invoke Lord Hanuman’s blessings and protection. It is thought to provide a shield against negative energies and obstacles in life.
  3. Courage and Strength: Hanuman is revered for his immense strength and courage. Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa is believed to instill these qualities in the devotee, helping them overcome fears and challenges.
  4. Removal of Obstacles: Hanuman is often considered a remover of obstacles. Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa is believed to seek the deity’s intervention in removing hurdles and difficulties from one’s life.
  5. Health Benefits: Some believe that chanting the Hanuman Chalisa can have positive effects on physical and mental health. It is thought to alleviate stress, anxiety, and promote overall well-being.
  6. Spiritual Growth: Regular recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa is considered a form of spiritual practice that can contribute to personal growth and inner peace.
  7. Purification of Mind: The chanting of sacred verses is believed to purify the mind and soul. It is thought to promote a sense of clarity, focus, and tranquility.
  8. Improvement in Concentration: The rhythmic and repetitive nature of chanting can be meditative, leading to improved concentration and mindfulness.

Benefits of Chanting Hanuman Chalisa 11 Times

The benefits of chanting Hanuman Chalisa 11 times daily are immense, and can significant impact if practiced correctly. Even though we are providing some points below, remember that these benefits can only be experienced fully when done daily for at least a year.

Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa, a devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman, holds immense significance in Hindu spirituality. The act of chanting this sacred prayer 11 times is rooted in the belief that it amplifies its spiritual impact. Here’s a closer look at why the number 11 is considered auspicious and how it enhances the connection with Lord Hanuman:

Aligning with Positive Energies

In Hinduism, certain numbers are believed to carry specific vibrations and energies. The number 11 is considered powerful and auspicious, signifying mastery, intuition, and spiritual insight. Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa 11 times is thought to align the practitioner with these positive energies.

Increasing Devotion Towards Lord Hanuman

The act of repetition is a common practice in many spiritual traditions, and chanting the Hanuman Chalisa 11 times is seen as a way to deepen one’s devotion. The increased repetition intensifies the spiritual focus and commitment, fostering a stronger connection with the divine.

Completion of 440 Verses

Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa 11 times results in the completion of 440 verses and the energy of Lord Hanuman connecting with you in a much more comprehensive manner than when chanted only once. After the 11th chant, a certain milestone is reached which results in an upsurge of energy.

Amplifying your Vibrations

Each verse of the Hanuman Chalisa is infused with profound spiritual meaning. Chanting all of the verses for 11 times results in the healing of your energetic body and the chakras. When chanted daily, it also results in the loss of “tamas” or ignorance, and leads one towards the truth.

Gaining Hanuman’s Blessings

When the Hanuman Chalisa is chanted 11 times, it results in invoking Lord Hanuman’s blessings and the removal of obstacles in your path. Your intentions must be clear and positive for you to be able to receive the blessings.

Attracting Wealth

One of the benefits of chanting Hanuman Chalisa 11 times in the afternoon is the attraction of wealth. Doing so everyday is said to attract wealth to the house. Chanting the Chalisa at different times of the day can have different effects, so consider afternoon to be the first 3 hours after noon.

Spiritual Cleansing

Chanting the Chalisa 11 times is said to be one of the best ways of performing a spiritual cleansing of both the mind and the soul at the same time. It helps in the removal of bad karma, and the accumulation of good karma. It also helps the “sadhak” or the practitioner at an intellectual level to be able to cope up with the difficulties of life.

Removing Dangers

Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa 11 times Daily removes dangers and obstacles from your life, both known and unknown. For the removal of ghosts or evil spirits, it is believed that the best time to chant the Hanuman Chalisa is after sunset.

The practice of chanting the Hanuman Chalisa 11 times is not merely a ritual but a profound spiritual journey, fostering a deeper connection with the divine and opening the door to spiritual transformation. When chanting the Hanuman Chalisa, one must always remember to never chant between the times of 12:00 AM to 3:00 AM. While Hanuman is the best deity for protection from evil spirits, the time mentioned is said to be when evil forces are most active, and one should not do any energy related practices during this time.

Rituals and Practices

Incorporating Chanting Into Daily Rituals

Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa 11 times can become a powerful and transformative daily ritual when integrated into your spiritual routine. Here’s how you can seamlessly incorporate this devotional practice into your daily life:

  1. Morning Devotion: Begin your day with a sense of spiritual purpose by chanting the Hanuman Chalisa 11 times as part of your morning ritual. This sets a positive tone for the day, invoking Hanuman’s blessings for strength and guidance.
  2. Dedicated Prayer Space: Designate a sacred space in your home for daily prayers and meditation. Create an altar with an image or idol of Lord Hanuman, and make it a focal point for your chanting practice.
  3. Consistent Timing: Choose a consistent time for your chanting ritual. Whether it’s during the early morning hours or before bedtime, having a fixed schedule helps establish a routine, making the practice more effective over time.
  4. Mindful Chanting: Approach the chanting with mindfulness and focus. Allow each repetition to resonate with intention, concentrating on the divine qualities of Lord Hanuman and the significance of the verses in the Hanuman Chalisa.
  5. Use of Mala Beads: Consider using a mala (prayer beads) to keep track of your chants. The rhythmic movement of the beads helps maintain concentration, turning the chanting into a meditative experience.
  6. Deep Breath Awareness: Combine deep, conscious breaths with your chanting. Inhale and exhale slowly, syncing your breath with the rhythm of the verses. This not only enhances concentration but also promotes a sense of calmness.
  7. Gratitude Practice: Express gratitude during your chanting ritual. Take a moment to reflect on the positive aspects of your life, acknowledging the blessings you’ve received, and seek Lord Hanuman’s continued guidance.
  8. Closing Meditation: Conclude your chanting session with a brief meditation. Sit in stillness, absorbing the energy generated through the chants, and visualize Hanuman’s protective aura surrounding you.
  9. Track Progress: Maintain a journal to track your progress and experiences. Note any shifts in your mental, emotional, or spiritual state over time, providing insights into the impact of your daily chanting practice.

Tips for Making the Practice More Effective

Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa 11 times is a sacred and transformative practice, and certain tips can enhance its effectiveness, making the experience more profound and spiritually enriching. Consider the following suggestions to optimize your chanting ritual:

  1. Understanding the Meaning: Take time to understand the meaning of each verse in the Hanuman Chalisa. Knowing the significance of the words you are chanting adds depth to the practice and strengthens your connection with the divine.
  2. Clear Intentions: Before you begin chanting, set clear intentions. Whether you seek strength, guidance, or spiritual growth, align your thoughts with your purpose, and let each repetition be a reaffirmation of your intentions.
  3. Concentration Techniques: Practice concentration techniques to keep your mind focused during chanting. Techniques such as breath awareness or visualizing Lord Hanuman can prevent distractions and deepen your connection with the divine energy.
  4. Variety in Chanting Speed: Experiment with the speed of your chanting. While a moderate pace allows for reflection on the meaning of each verse, a faster pace can create a dynamic and energizing experience. Find a speed that resonates with your spiritual goals.
  5. Group Chanting: Consider participating in group chanting sessions. Chanting in a group enhances the collective energy and creates a powerful spiritual atmosphere. Joining a community of like-minded individuals can provide support and motivation.
  6. Morning vs. Evening Chants: Explore the effects of chanting at different times of the day. Some practitioners find morning chants invigorating, while others prefer the calmness of evening sessions. Discover which time aligns best with your energy and routine.
  7. Regularity in Practice: Consistency is key. Make a commitment to chant the Hanuman Chalisa daily. The cumulative effects of regular practice amplify the spiritual benefits, gradually transforming your inner state and bringing about positive changes.
  8. Incorporate Mudras: Integrate mudras (hand gestures) into your chanting practice. Certain mudras are believed to enhance the flow of energy and focus the mind. Experiment with mudras that resonate with you and complement your devotional practice.
  9. Gratitude Journal: Maintain a gratitude journal alongside your chanting practice. Record moments of gratitude and positive experiences. This dual practice reinforces a positive mindset and amplifies the vibrational impact of your chanting.
  10. Reflect and Meditate: After completing your chanting session, take a few moments for reflection and meditation. Absorb the energy generated through the chants, express gratitude, and open yourself to insights or guidance from the divine.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1.Who wrote Hanuman Chalisa?

Hanuman Chalisa was composed by the revered Hindu poet-saint Goswami Tulsidas. He is believed to have written it in the 16th century, specifically in the Awadhi language.

2. When was Hanuman Chalisa written?

Hanuman Chalisa was written by Goswami Tulsidas in the 16th century. The exact year of its composition is believed to be around 1574-1575 CE.

3. What are the benefits of chanting Hanuman Chalisa 11 times?

There are many benefits of chanting Hanuman Chalisa 11 times. Chanting the Chalisa 11 times can help with increasing devotion, seeking Lord Hanuman’s blessings, removing obstacles, warding off evil forces, and even spiritual cleansing. It can also produce positive effects for your physical health, and can increase focus and concentration.

4. How to learn Hanuman Chalisa?

Obtain a copy of Hanuman Chalisa in Devanagari script or your preferred language script. Listen to an audio recitation to understand the correct pronunciation and rhythm. Divide the Chalisa into smaller sections for easier memorization. Practice regularly by reciting it aloud, gradually increasing the pace as you become more familiar. If learned properly, the benefits of chanting Hanuman Chalisa 11 times increase a lot.

5. What language is Hanuman Chalisa?

Hanuman Chalisa is primarily written in Awadhi, a language spoken in the Awadh region of Northern India. The Awadhi dialect is also the language of Tulsidas’ other significant work, the Ramcharitmanas.

6. How to remember Hanuman Chalisa?

Recite it daily to reinforce memorization. Associate each verse with mental images or keywords to aid recall. Hearing the Chalisa regularly can enhance auditory memory. Incorporate reciting Hanuman Chalisa into a daily routine for consistent practice. Teaching the Chalisa to someone else can reinforce your own understanding and memory. If remembered correctly, the benefits of chanting Hanuman Chalisa 11 times increase a lot.

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