Powerful Benefits of Offering Honey on Shivling

benefits of offering honey on shivling

Many people wonder as to whether there are any benefits of offering honey on shivling. There are others, however, who equate offering honey on a shivling to receiving the benefits of offering honey to lord Shiva. There are several reasons and faiths that are associated with the act of offering honey to the divine through different processes and rituals such as offering it as naivedyam or prasadam to different deities, or offering food to people in need, such as children in orphanages. Offering food to financially constrained people is seen as a service to the divine within them, and is said to incur good karma, if done with the correct intentions.

In this article, we are going to look into what exactly a shivling is, the act of offering honey on a shivling, and the benefits of offering honey on a shivling. The exact procedure of offering honey on a shivling has also been discussed for interested readers. Shivlings have been used for thousands of years for worshipping Shiva. He is the only deity in Hinduism to be worshipped in this unique manner. Although all of the deities, including Shiva are seen to be worshipped using idols, the act of worshipping a deity through a specific form such as a Shiv ling, is very unique to this deity.


Lord Shiva face smiling 2D

The Shiva Linga, often simply referred to as the Shivling, is a sacred symbol in Hinduism representing Lord Shiva, one of the principal deities in the Hindu pantheon. The term “Linga” is derived from the Sanskrit word “Lingam,” which means a sign or symbol. The Shiva Linga is a prominent and revered form of worship in Hindu temples and households.

Here are some key aspects and significance associated with the Shivling:

  1. Symbolism: The Shiva Linga is considered a symbol of the formless and eternal nature of Lord Shiva. It represents the transcendental aspect of God, beyond any specific attributes or qualities. The round base of the Linga is said to symbolize the manifest Universe, while the cylindrical shape represents the infinite and formless aspect of the divine.
  2. Eternal Energy: The Shivling is often associated with the cosmic energy and the cycle of creation and destruction. Lord Shiva is believed to be the destroyer of the universe, paving the way for its regeneration. The Linga is a visual representation of this cyclical nature of creation, preservation, and dissolution.
  3. Worship and Rituals: Devotees of Lord Shiva perform worship, known as Shiva Puja, to the Shivling. Offerings such as water, milk, honey, and bilva leaves are made to the Linga as a symbol of reverence. Devotees also perform the Abhishekam, a ritual of pouring sacred substances on the Linga while chanting prayers and mantras.
  4. Jyotirlingas: There are twelve Jyotirlingas (lingas of light) in various parts of India, each believed to be a manifestation of Lord Shiva. Pilgrims often undertake journeys to visit these Jyotirlingas, considering them highly auspicious and spiritually significant.
  5. Unity of Male and Female Energies: The Shiva Linga is often seen as a representation of the union of Shiva and Shakti, the masculine and feminine energies in Hindu cosmology. The Yoni, the base on which the Linga rests, is associated with the feminine aspect and represents the creative power of the universe.
  6. Agni Linga: In some traditions, the Shivling is considered as an Agni Linga, symbolizing the fire element. This connects Lord Shiva to the purifying and transformative aspects of fire, representing the destruction of ignorance and impurities.

After an exploration of the different Shivlings, one question still persists. What are the benefits of offering honey on shivling? To get an answer to this question, read further. We are not going to delve into the concept of Abhishekam, Shiva Puja, or the significance of offering water, milk, or bilva leaves. The Shiva Pooja is an elaborate ritual which should be done with the utmost care, but simply offering honey as an act of devotion can offer innumerous benefits.

Benefits of Offering Honey On Shivling


As referenced earlier, the benefits of offering honey on shivling are almost synonymous to the benefits of offering honey to lord Shiva. Shiva is said to accept any and all of the offerings that are made to him by a sincere devotee out of love. Receiving the blessings of a deity as powerful as lord Shiva, can result in the fast tracking of your own spiritual progress. Below are articulated some of the benefits of offering honey on shivling:-

  1. Physical Benefits: Most of the lingas which are offered honey are stone lingas. A stone linga which is kept for worship should be kept in the best way possible. It should not turn brittle, and it should not crack. Offering honey to the linga, which is essentially composed of enzymes and proteins, keeps the stone rock hard and in a good physical condition. So, the physical benefit of retaining the linga’s original form is immense, and one of the many reasons why honey is offered to a Shivling.
  2. Energy Benefits: The Shivlings which are kept near temples or consecrated spaces usually have an energy form of their own. They are said to be highly energetic in nature, according to the yogic belief system, and the rituals which have been performed to energize it. Honey is considered to be a highly pranic substance in the yogic school of thought, and thus, offering honey to the linga keeps the linga energized and helps in maintaining a powerful space for yoga and spiritual exploration.
  3. Health Benefits: Offering honey to a Shiv Ling as an act of worship and devotion is considered to help in removing illnesses. It is also said to help in keeping your family members and your loved ones healthy along with yourself. There are many people across the globe who offer honey in hopes of removing their physical illnesses.
  4. Spiritual Benefits: Offering honey can be seen as an act of sadhana, or a process which can help in connecting the energy of Lord Shiva. Among the various benefits of offering honey on shivling, this one is seen as the most important from an individualistic spiritual perspective. Offering honey daily with the correct intention and by following the correct steps can be seen as an act of sadhana to improve your relationship with Shiva.

Simple Procedure To Offer Honey On A Shivling

For people interested in offering honey to a Shiv ling, they can start with the below steps for a daily 10 to 15 minute sadhana (A sadhana is a daily act that is done with the hope of progressing spiritually). Consistency in continuing the ritual everyday is key in reaping the benefits of your sadhana. If you start with the below steps, you will soon receive hints and guidances on how to proceed in your sadhana and progress on the spiritual path. Combined with exercise or yoga, this sadhana can help with healing your chakra imbalances as well overtime.

Step 1: Pray to Lord Ganesha, standing in front of the Shiv ling, and mentally request him to remove all of the obstacles in connecting with Lord Shiva’s energy, and performing his daily sadhana (Do this everyday).

Step 2: Offer honey to the Shivling. Start pouring honey from the top of the Linga, and mentally, ask Lord Shiva to receive the honey that you’re offering.

Step 3: Verbally (whispering), or mentally chant the mantra “Om Namah Shivay” while sitting in front of the Shivling with your spine straight. Do this for 5-10 minutes in order to connect to the energy of lord Shiva.

If you continue the above ritual for at least 2-3 years, you will be able to start progressing rapidly on the spiritual path. Incorporate more techniques, or add more quality to your sadhana as you learn more about the subject. Do not skip any day, as consistency is the main driving factor on progressing in the field of spirituality.


In conclusion, there can be a myriad of reasons for offering honey to a shivling. The act has been equated to receiving the benefits of offering honey to Lord Shiva in today’s culture. It can serve wonders for you when done with the right intentions, and can help you in your spiritual progress. There are many more sadhanas, or acts that are performed with the Shivling.

The process of performing Abhishekam, Rudra Abhishekam, performing Shiva Pooja, or offering Bel Patra to the Shivling has not been disussed in this post. Apart from this, there are many more mysterious aspects to Lord Shiva, such as his depiction in blue color. Comment below if you want us to cover more such subjects!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is a Shivling?

The Shivling is typically a phallic or cylindrical-shaped stone or metal object that symbolizes the formless and eternal nature of Lord Shiva. It is considered a representation of the cosmic creative and destructive power associated with Shiva. Devotees worship the Shiva Linga as a manifestation of the divine and offer prayers, flowers, milk, water, and other sacred items to seek blessings and express devotion to Lord Shiva.

Which direction should a Shivling face?

The Shivling should always be facing the east or the north direction. The placement of the Shivling at the geographical location should also be in the eastern or the northern place of the house. Following this protocol is said to keep the energetic form of the Linga intact.

What does a Shivling represent?

The Shivalinga is often an unshaped, cylindrical or elliptical structure, representing the formless and infinite nature of Lord Shiva. It emphasizes that God transcends all forms and is beyond human comprehension. It represents the dynamic principles of creation (Shakti) and destruction (Shiva). In some interpretations, the Shivalinga is considered a union of the masculine and feminine energies, representing the unity of Shiva and Shakti, or Purusha and Prakriti.

What are the benefits of offering honey on shivling that is different from offering water of ghee?

One of the main differentiating benefits of offering honey on shivling is the removal of illnesses and protection of your loved ones and family members from harm.

Are the benefits of offering honey on shivling instant?

The benefits of offering honey on shivling are not instant, and one should continue with the sadhana in the long term to see the impacts.

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