5 Surprising and 5 Shocking Traits of a Krishna Paksha Born Girl

krishna paksha born girl

A Krishna Paksha born girl will do really well in intellectual jobs, rather than jobs with artistic or emotional requirements. This is not just true for a girl, but for any child born in the Krishna Paksha according to common consensus in Vedic astrology. Any girl who is born in the waning phase of the moon is said to be a krishna paksha born girl. In this article, we are going to talk about the significance of Krishna Paksha, and conclude with both 5 surprising, and 5 shocking traits of a krishna paksha born girl.

Krishna Paksha, also known as the dark or waning phase of the lunar fortnight in Hindu calendar, is a period of 15 days during which the moon’s illumination decreases. The lunar month in the Hindu calendar is divided into two halves: the waxing phase (Shukla Paksha) and the waning phase (Krishna Paksha). Without more delays, let us dive into the different aspects related to Krishna Paksha.


The Krishna Paksha begins on the full moon day (Purnima) and lasts until the new moon day (Amavasya). During this period, the moon gradually reduces in size until it becomes completely dark on Amavasya. The term “Krishna” refers to the color black, and “Paksha” means fortnight. This phase is considered auspicious for performing certain rituals and religious activities.

Spiritual initiations for advanced practices and meditations are often done in the Krishna Paksha. Spiritual initiations done in the Krishna Paksha are said to be more beneficial from the spiritual perspective, while initiations that occur during the Shukla Paksha are said to be more beneficial from the perspective of success or material growth.

Impact of the Phases of the Moon on Infants

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It is believed that our time of birth impacts our personality significantly. The energies and the alignment of the planets and the stars around us play a crucial role in determining the nature of the bodies that our souls acquire. According to Vedic astrology, the phase of the moon, both the waxing and the waning phases, during our time of birth, have a significant impact on the personality that we are going to develop at the later stages of our lives.

It is important to note that this should not be equated to fatalism or determinism. Astrology never disregards the aspect of free will, and states that a person has the power to change the course of his or her life events, and even one’s personality traits through his actions. The time of birth only provides a reference point for the future direction that the soul seems to be heading to.

Difference Between Children Born in the Krishna Paksha and Shukla Paksha

It is believed that people born in the Krishna Paksha are not fair in color, and are bestowed with wealth. They also have the tendency to be more arrogant in their achievements. Boys born in the Krishna Paksha are believed to receive more favor from the opposite gender. Children born during Krishna Paksha are believed to possess qualities associated with the decreasing moon, which is considered more reflective, introverted, and inclined towards internalization. People born in this phase are thought to be good at dealing with their inner emotions and may have a deep inner life.

In complete contrast to this, people born in the Shukla Paksha are believed to be fair in color. Like the moon, they are believed to have an attractive aura about them. They tend to believe more in the concept of hard work rather than smart work. Children born during Shukla Paksha are believed to have qualities associated with the increasing moon, which is considered more dynamic, outgoing, and expressive. Individuals born in this phase are thought to be more inclined towards external activities, social interactions, and outward achievements.

People born in Krishna paksha are said to be more calm and intellectually oriented than people born in the Shukla Paksha, who are believed to be much more better commanders and soldiers. Let us now specifically look at the different traits associated with a krishna paksha born girl.

5 Surprising Traits of a Krishna Paksha Born Girl

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We have looked at the general attributes that people born in the Krishna Paksha possess. However, as promised by the title of this article, we are now going to talk in comprehensive detail about the attributes of a Krishna Paksha Born Girl. Below are some of the positive traits associated with Krishna Paksha Born Girls:

  1. Deep creative thinkers: The reduced illumination of the moon during Krishna Paksha is associated with a deeper, more contemplative energy. Girls born in this phase may be deep thinkers, inclined towards intellectual pursuits and philosophical considerations. They also have a unique ability of thinking outside the box, and offering creative solutions to even the rudimentary and fundamental problems.
  2. Disciplined: The waning moon is seen as a time for gradual withdrawal and discipline. Girls born in Krishna Paksha may exhibit disciplined and controlled behavior, contributing to their ability to stay focused on their goals. The waning moon helps in instilling a sense of calmness, which in turn makes girls born in the Krishna Paksha more disciplined and consistent in their actions.
  3. Resilient: The waning moon is associated with diminishing light, suggesting that girls born during the Krishna Paksha may possess resilience in the face of challenges. They may be adept at overcoming obstacles and bouncing back from setbacks. Girls born in this period are often hard workers, who do not give up even when the journey keeps getting tougher.
  4. Practicality: The waning moon is often linked with practical and realistic energy. Individuals born in Krishna Paksha may exhibit a strong sense of practicality, making them well-grounded and capable of dealing with day-to-day challenges.
  5. Spiritual inclination: The introspective nature of the waning moon can be associated with spirituality. Girls born in Krishna Paksha may have a heightened spiritual inclination, seeking deeper meaning and understanding in their lives. They are more attracted to either pursuing a career in science, or further their spiritual progress.

5 Shocking Traits of a Krishna Paksha Born Girl

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Having looked at the positive traits of girls born in the Krishna Paksha, it is also important to consider the negative traits that come along with it. Below are 5 negative traits associated with a krishna paksha born girl:

  1. Difficulty adapting to change: The waning moon is associated with reduction and withdrawal, and girls born in Krishna Paksha may be thought to have a harder time adapting to change, preferring stability and predictability.
  2. Overly critical: The introspective nature of Krishna Paksha can lead to the girls born in this phase be overly critical, both of themselves and others. This critical mindset could potentially strain relationships.
  3. Prone to self-doubt: Girls born in Krishna Paksha may grapple with self-doubt. The decreasing brightness of the moon may symbolize a decrease in confidence or clarity.
  4. Overly Reserved: The diminishing light of the waning moon might be interpreted as a withdrawal of energy, and girls born in the Krishna Paksha have the possibility of being more reserved or introverted, potentially struggling with social interactions.
  5. Tendency towards pessimism: The decreasing illumination of the moon during Krishna Paksha is sometimes linked with negativity. Girls born in this phase are prone to developing a pessimistic outlook on life.


In conclusion, we have described the traits of different people born in the Krishna Paksha, and specifically the traits of Krishna Paksha born girls. The traits mentioned above can help you in analyzing your own personality more, and work on your strengths and weaknesses. Remember that these traits are not permament, and can be worked upon. Both the strengths and the weaknesses can be worked upon to create a better version of yourself, which is what spirituality is all about.

It is important to note that any person, irrespective of his or her time of birth has the potential to both grow and detoriorate beyond the traits mentioned above. Astrology only provides a reference point to different individuals for adding value to their own lives. While it has the testimonials of thousands of people giving a positive review, it has still not been proven scientifically, and all of the information related to astrology should be taken with a pinch of salt.

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