Why is Krishna Blue?

why is krishna blue

Why is Krishna Blue? This question comes up into the minds of almost all the youngsters and adults alike when they first him. Not just him, but almost all of the famous deities in Hinduism, from Shiva to Rama, are also depicted as being blue skinned. In this article, we are going to delve into the spiritual significance of this depiction, and also on the cultural importance that has been placed on people being depicted as blue skinned.

“Shyam”, which is another name for Krishna, has been given to him due to his dark complexion. However, despite this, artists across the globe have traditionally presented him as a blue-skinned person. The significance of this depiction is not cultural or traditional, but is meant to display an aspect of Krishna that is extremely spiritual. Read along for further info!


Krishna is one of the most popular deities in Hinduism. He is belived to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, and is said to be the most colorful incarnation of the divine. In terms of consciousness levels, while normal humans are believed to be associated with the number 3, Krishna is said to have achieved the 16th level of consciousness, higher than Rama and Hanuman as well.

Krishna was born in Mathura to Devaki and Vasudeva, but was raised by foster parents, Yashoda and Nanda, in the village of Vrindavan. The stories of his childhood, his miraculous deeds, and his role in the Mahabharata make Krishna a beloved and multifaceted figure in Hinduism. Krishna is often depicted as a playful and mischievous young boy, a charming lover, and a wise and compassionate teacher. His teachings in the Bhagavad Gita cover various aspects of life, duty, and spirituality, making it one of the most important philosophical texts in Hinduism.

The Concept of Auras

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In the yogic belief system, people are said to have energetic bodies associated with them along with their physical bodies. The energetic body is always said to be radiating the energy, in the form of light, so feeble that it cannot be seen by the naked eye. This radiation, and the color of the light emanating from different people is said to be their aura.

Auras, in various spiritual and metaphysical beliefs, are thought to be subtle energy fields or emanations that surround living beings. These energy fields are believed to reflect the individual’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states. While the concept of auras is not scientifically proven, it has a long history in esoteric and mystical traditions.

Here are some key points often associated with auras:

  1. Colors and Layers: Auras are often described as having different colors, and the interpretation of these colors can vary between different belief systems. Some systems propose that each color corresponds to different aspects of a person’s well-being, emotions, or spiritual state. Additionally, some people believe in the existence of multiple layers or levels within the aura.
  2. Emanations of Energy: It is suggested that auras are composed of subtle energy or life force, often referred to as prana, chi, or vital energy. This energy is said to flow through the body and radiate beyond its physical boundaries.
  3. Connection to Health and Emotions: Proponents of the aura concept often claim that changes in a person’s aura can reflect changes in their physical health, emotional state, or spiritual development. For example, a vibrant and balanced aura might indicate overall well-being, while disruptions or irregularities could be linked to illness or emotional distress.
  4. Aura Readers and Practitioners: Some individuals claim the ability to perceive or interpret auras. Aura readers may use various methods, such as clairvoyance (seeing energy fields), empathy (feeling emotions), or other psychic abilities to read or sense the aura.
  5. Aura Cleansing and Balancing: In certain spiritual practices, there are rituals or techniques aimed at cleansing and balancing the aura. These practices are thought to promote physical and emotional well-being by removing negative energy and promoting positive energy flow.

The Association of Chakras and Auras

The association of chakras and auras forms a fundamental aspect of spiritual and metaphysical beliefs, weaving together the subtle energies that envelop the human existence. In this intricate tapestry, chakras, which are energy centers aligned along the spine, and auras, the radiant energy fields surrounding living beings, are intimately connected. Each chakra is believed to be associated with specific aspects of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and the colors of auras are thought to reflect the state of these energy centers.

For instance, the throat chakra, linked to communication and self-expression, is often correlated with a blue aura. Exploring this symbiotic relationship offers insights into the interconnected nature of the spiritual and energetic dimensions, where the balance and activation of chakras are believed to influence the colors and vibrancy of one’s aura. The exploration of chakras and auras not only provides a lens through which to understand the holistic nature of human existence but also serves as a pathway to spiritual growth and self-awareness.

The Difference Between a Blue and a White Aura

Different states of being are said to be represented by different colors of auras. A fully realized being, who has attained salvation or “moksha” is said to have a white aura. The white aura represents complete spiritual realization. It is also associated with the crown chakra. A blue aura, on the other hand, is said to be associated with the throat chakra.

A blue aura may be dark blue in nature, which represents an imbalanced throat chakra, or it may be electric blue, which represents a vibrant and fully activated throat chakra. Mastery over the throat chakra is said to bless the person with immense occult abilities. Along with that, it is also said to increase communication skills by a huge margin. Krishna, in all of his artistic depictions is shown to be having a blue aura. The blue skin of Krishna in his artistic depictions does not depict his skin, but rather, his aura.

Artistic Representations of Holy People

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Artists for thousands of years have been depicting holy people with their own creative touches attached to it. Sage Valmiki has been represented with a white aura. Rama, Krishna, and Shiva, all have been depicted to be blue bodied. There are many sages and holy people except Valmiki, such as Jesus, who have been depicted to have a white halo or a white aura around them.

In Christian art, the color gold is often associated with divine radiance and holiness. Depictions of saints and angels frequently showcase golden halos, signifying spiritual enlightenment and proximity to the divine. Various artists can have their own reasons for adding creative touches and colors to different portraits, however, there has to be some reason for artists across the world to be depicting Krishna having a blue aura.

Why is Krishna Blue?

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The exploration has brought us back to the initial question that we started with. Why is Krishna blue? It turns out, that people who have a white aura, usually tend to be very loosely attached to their physical bodies. If they go through immense physical activity, it is believed in the yogic school of thought that they are more susceptible to leaving their bodies accidentally.

However, a white aura is said to be one of complete spiritual realization. So does this mean that Krishna has not attained complete spiritual realization? On the contrary, Krishna’s electric blue aura means just the opposite. Spiritual realization, and mastery over the fundamental human mechanism is a different thing. People who are depicted to have an electric aura, are said to be the ones with complete mastery over the human mechanism, including the energetic bodies, and are said to have changed their auras to be electric blue in nature.

People who have an electric blue aura, can undergo immense physical activity without being in the danger of accidentally leaving their bodies. All of the deities or the holy people who have been depicted as having a blue aura, are said to be completely realized beings, and also having a mastery of the human mechanism at the same time. These people have attained complete spiritual realization, and are still capable of being immensely active in the physical world. It is due to this reason, that they are worshipped. The worship of blue-bodied beings in Hinduism is without a doubt more popular than the worship of other beings at the present moment. They are given more importance in today’s world.


With the above revelation, we have arrived at the end of this article. Consider commenting down your thoughts on the above reason below, and, if you liked our article, do consider coming back to our website for more such valuable content. If you have any other questions related to Krishna, you can browse through our FAQ section below. We hope we were able to answer your question!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Who is Lord Krishna?

Lord Krishna is a central figure in Hinduism and is considered the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He is a divine being and a key character in the ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata.

Q2: What is the significance of Lord Krishna in Hinduism?

Lord Krishna is revered as a teacher, philosopher, and guide in Hinduism. His teachings, as documented in the Bhagavad Gita (a part of the Mahabharata), cover various aspects of life, morality, and duty, making him a source of spiritual wisdom.

Q3: When and where did Lord Krishna live?

Lord Krishna is believed to have lived during the Dvapara Yuga, which is a cosmic age in Hindu cosmology. The traditional dates for his earthly presence are around 3,000 BCE. He is associated with the city of Mathura, where he spent his childhood, and later with the kingdom of Dwarka.

Q4: What are the most famous stories about Lord Krishna?

Some of the most well-known stories about Lord Krishna include his childhood exploits, such as lifting the Govardhan Hill and defeating the serpent Kaliya. The Mahabharata also features Krishna prominently, especially his role as the charioteer and advisor to Arjuna in the Kurukshetra War.

Q5: What is the Bhagavad Gita, and why is it important?

The Bhagavad Gita is a sacred Hindu scripture that is part of the Indian epic, Mahabharata. It is a conversation between Lord Krishna and the warrior Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. The Gita addresses the concepts of duty, righteousness, and the path to spiritual realization.

Q6: How is Lord Krishna usually depicted in art?

Lord Krishna is often depicted with blue skin, playing the flute, and wearing a peacock feather crown. He is also portrayed as a divine lover, particularly in his youthful form known as “Krishna the cowherd,” engaging in joyful activities with his devotees.

Q7: What are the different names of Lord Krishna?

Lord Krishna is known by various names and titles, such as Govinda, Gopala, Madhava, Vasudeva, and Hari, each signifying different aspects of his divine nature and activities. As he is also an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, all of the names of lord Vishnu are also considered to be Krishna’s names, and vice versa.

Q8: Are there festivals dedicated to Lord Krishna?

Yes, several festivals celebrate Lord Krishna, with the most prominent being Krishna Janmashtami, which marks his birth. Other festivals include Govardhan Puja, commemorating the lifting of Govardhan Hill.

Q9: What is the philosophy associated with Lord Krishna’s teachings?

The philosophy associated with Lord Krishna’s teachings emphasizes the concept of Dharma (duty) and the path of devotion (Bhakti). The Bhagavad Gita addresses the importance of selfless action, devotion to God, and the pursuit of spiritual knowledge. Krishna mainly talks about 3 main philosophies through which a person can work towards his enlightenment, being Karmyayoga, Gyanayoga, and Bhaktiyoga.

Q10: Is Lord Krishna worshipped beyond India?

Yes, the worship of Lord Krishna has spread beyond India, and he is revered by millions of people worldwide. The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), also known as the Hare Krishna movement, has played a significant role in popularizing the worship of Lord Krishna globally. Krishna is worshipped through many different methods, such as chanting mantras, meditation, and through following his philosophy of Karma Yoga

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